Wednesday, August 22, 2007 @11:41 PM
having another blog now, probably be blogging there more: JEANETTEWRITESAT.WORDPRESS.COM
okay you can leave me comments there! won't be putting a tagboard, more like i don't know how to. so leave individual comments okay!
love you all my readers. (:
Monday, July 30, 2007 @12:28 AM
just back from phuket! went with joe's family and enoch too, was great fun if you ask me!
here's a (very brief) summary of what happened:
Day ONE.
took a flight (silkair) to phuket, where we were met at the airport by the hotel staff. was ferried by a minivan to the hotel. we were to stay at le meridien phuket during our trip. very comfortable and quite luxurious. too bad i didn't take any photos of the hotel room. stayed with sheryl (joe's sister) during the trip. joe stayed with enoch (sheryl's other half). didn't do much, settled in time just for a late dinner which wasn't very yummy at the hotel cafe.
Day TWO.i seem to be suffering from amnesia but i can't really remember what happened. i think we woke up late (joe came to wake me and that was nice.) and just walked around the hotel a bit, booked a tour, had lunch in the hotel at the pizza place. borrowed a mahjong set which we never got down to playing. hit a few balls at the mini golf course, played some pingpong and foosball. at night, we went to simon cabaret. it's... interesting. you'll have to be there for yourself to get what i mean, and the images from there... well, they stick. here's a picture of one of the sets:

sheryl wasn't feeling too well so we headed back to the hotel for a doctor and had jap food for dinner. conjunctivitis.
Day tour day. went to the following places: rubber plantation, buddha monkey temple (not sure of the name), took a long boat to james bond island and finally the cashew nut factory. basically it's where they filmed 2 movies of james bond films. you can be sure they'll never go back to the same island, cos it's so terribly commercialised now. like more than 20 stalls on a tiny stretch of beach.
there was a long boat trip and a long car ride, so i couldn't help but be camera trigger-happy. (:

me and joe posing for a photo on the way to the first stop: rubber plantation.

sheryl and enoch.

at the rubber plantation

joseph looking gay in my shades

the buddha monkey temple where a huge spider behind the toilet door freaked sheryl out.

one of the many monkeys eating a banana from a tourist.

one of the long boats similar to the one we sat on the way to the james bond island.

us in the long boat. do some neck exercise, turn your head. (:

joe trying to keep the wind out of his eyes. his dad said to do this.

joe on the boat.

me, with a sparkle in my eye. hahahaha.

enoch acting gay too. this gay thing is infectious.

an artsy picture

uncle and auntie sharing a towel. awwww how sweet. (:

enoch concussed after a tiring day's worth of touring.
the four of us swam around a bit in the resort when we got back and had strawberry icecream and tecktee's cookies. Had dinner at this really nice and quite posh restaurant: baan rim pa. it's a piano bar restaurant and our table was in a porch overlooking the sea. yummy kangkong, that was my favourite dish that night. too bad we forgot to bring a camera that night.
Day FOUR.Walked around town a bit, but didn't manage to do much shopping since uncle and auntie weren't shoppers. went back to the hotel and putted a few balls at the driving range, swam a bit again. had dinner at the tanttawan seafood restaurant, though dinner at savoey would have been nice. the food at dinner was way too spicy for me. had baskin' robbins icecream for dessert. walked around a bit more and the four of us got the SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT shirt. sheryl's idea. hahaha. no photos that day.
Day FIVE.packed up in the hotel, got ready to get back. nothing very special, we went around snapping a few photos before we left. okay, like... three photos. hahaha.. then we took a hotel minivan to the hotel for the flight back in the afternoon.

same same same same... but different.

uncle and auntie's four children.

me and joe on the plane
Monday, July 23, 2007 @12:48 AM
never thought that bible study could be so interesting, much less a bible study on jeremiah.
oh no bad joke coming up: maybe this yr's vcf something-you-sit-on-person chose it.
another bad joke: lucky we're not studying THAT jeremiah.
something tells me that only joe would understand. okay. maybe all the vcf people might.
you're all i want, help me know you are here.
Sunday, July 22, 2007 @11:56 PM
let's see what i was up to today:
1. taught at sunday school: RUTH YAP IS SO CUTE!
2. went to mark's choir: interesting.
3. went over to joe's place to have dinner and watch formula one. EXCITING. (:
4. played a silly game i invented: "i love you because..."
i liked that "i love you because..." game, cos it made me verbalise what i loved about him. it made me sure of how i felt for him. it made him think of all those questions. and it helped cos we both found out what we liked about each other. (:
it's a good game, though he isn't sure it will have the same good effect if other people played it, cos it might "expose" their lack of love, he says. hahahahha.
one day i shall make a list. i like making lists. i shall make a list of why i think i like him. and that list shall always be added to. (:
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 @11:21 PM
went over to joe's place (AGAIN) today and played the game of life with his sister sheryl and her og mates from the vcf freshies orientation camp. it was interesting how the game went:
1. joe had a highest salary amongst of all of us.
2. i was a teacher by profession in the game.
3. i had many kids. and by the word "many" i really mean MANY. like... 6 kids when the little car provided only had room for 4 kids. i basically landed on all the spaces that says have kids. so i had twins, a baby girl, a baby boy and adopted 2 more.
4. the accountant ended up with no life cards at all. NO LIFE. get it? hahaha corny.
there were other uncanny resemblances to real life itself and so it was quite interesting. to me, it was as if i was playing more than a game. it really provided quite an insight to life.
SPEAKING OF UNCANNY RESEMBLANCES (and coincidences), i met my primary 1 and 2 classmate in the vcf camp, one person that i wasn't very close to when i was in st margs and haven't seen ever since. that's what.. at least 12 years of no contact! wow wow wow. hahaha.. and esther yeo (another st marg's classmate) is in my bsf class after 12 yrs too! whoa.
after that i wasn't feeling too well so i adjourned to his room for a short rest and he joined me there. we ended up talking a lot and i'm really glad for these talking sessions, cos they might just be the reason why we do not quarrel, and the reason why we understand each other so well.
talked for like... 2 plus hours last night as well, but last night's conversation was of a more serious nature of sorts, talked about our past relationships, and that was really good too, cos we finally understood why the other person acts in such a funny way, more specifically, why i ask weird questions at times. but last night's conversation explained a lot of my quirks, and it was sort of like a revelation. hee..
and joseph, i know from last night that you read my blog daily. well, i'll save my mushy somethings for the next email okay! hahaha and it's your turn to write. (:
Friday, July 13, 2007 @12:10 AM
i love my FOC comm, no matter how dysfunctional i think we are at times. i've seen us work through problems with God's help, and this has only made me feel that the presence of God is just so evident.
and we have a genius in our comm: shawn poon. he's from law fac and pretty good at music and words. real funny guy, here's one of the lyrics of the silly tunes he came up with:
clara woon you're such a goon, you look like a big babboon.
clara woon you're such a goon, you're never awake by noon.
clara woon you're such a goon, you live with a big monsoon.
clara woon you're such a goon, soon you'll be shawn poon.Ironically, the lyrics seem to describe him better than our dear clara. hahahhaa... He's not even awake at 4.30pm!! He also came up with other lyrics to that same silly tune, one of which has my name:
Jeanette koh suck my toe...Oh wells. hahahaha knowing shawn poon, he has no ill-intentions, and all these are done in the name of fun. unfortunately he did not complete my song, i would have loved to hear all the "insults" that he would have thrown out. (:
@12:47 AM

it doesn't have to be anything exciting. spending time with nessa is enough to brighten up my day. (: