Sunday, October 22, 2006 @7:08 PM
oh my oh my. My "godmama" is so so blur and funny and cheeky!
Incident #1:
We were at church, there was this new girl who's 24 yrs old doing her post grad in dentistry in NUS. Ivy was talking to her last week and she found her really pleasant to talk to. And suddenly.. *TING*! She thought, "hey, this would be a nice match for Andrew! (my brother)" and so she told me about it and the two cheeky people (us) went about trying to set them up today. Heehee. (: and I conveniently pointed out to Isabel (the new girl), "Hey that's my brother!"
Incident #2: We (my brother and I) have been invited to her place and she and Wilfrid (her husband whom we affectionately call wildsie) will be cooking and hosting us for the night. So my bro's on msn and he's talking to her. He's sitting at the dining area on my macbook and I'm like "hey... ivy!" So my family's interested in what we say to her.. so here goes.. bear in mind even my parents had a part in forming our conversation with her.. (: here's a rough idea of how it went.. my bro's typing...
Us: Hey ivy!
Ivy: yo!
Us: hey my sister says she's going to bring 2 friends..
Ivy: wah?
Us: they're from the US. you'll love them.
Ivy: uhh okay..
Us: they're exchange students. oh don't cook for them hor, they don't eat one.
Us: btw, their names are Ben n Jerry.
(We thought she'd get it, we wanted to tell her we're bringing ice cream)
Ivy: huh? why they don't eat?
(she obviously didn't get it.)
Us: cos we eat them.
Ivy: AHHH!!!
Ivy: Aiyo so corny!
This is dear ivy for you. (: looking forward to dinner tomorrow! (:
Saturday, October 21, 2006 @3:06 PM
Been feeling a little not-myself. Maybe it's PMS-ing. Maybe it's stress from school work. Maybe it's stress from expectations of everyone. Maybe I just try too hard to make everyone happy and not myself. I don't know. Was listening to the recording from iSOW 2nd stream, where Auntie Cathie prayed over us.
I just broke down and cried.
Left all by myself alone at home, it really was a timely reminder from God. I love to put my iTunes on shuffle mode so i'll be listening to a random range of songs. And somehow, the songs that were played this morning really ministered to me. Amidst feeling so very down from last night, I somehow felt Him re-assuring me that everything's gonna be alright. That I'm not a failure, I am His success. I am His child. And I've been having a not so easy time with my mum, doesn't help that we both pms together. But the prayer that Auntie Cathie prayed for me, it gave me the strength to live out my life as a good daughter, no matter how difficult it is. Because I want to. Because it makes God pleased. Because I love Him more than anything else.
Keeping my eyes on Him.
Need to re-focus, shrink away from the busyness of here and now. So if you feel that I'm suddenly (more) aloof (than normal), please understand it's not you that I'm against. I just need to find myself once again. Find back the person who I've lost to busy-ness.
Give me a week and I'll be alright. (:
Thursday, October 19, 2006 @8:23 AM
Being Early..
--> gets you ponded. (refers to Episode #18 where i got ponded and dragged in cos i woke up early for breakfast.)
--> lets you see 2 girls that have been ponded TWICE in the morning alone. (I saw them at breakfast at 7.25am and they already bathed after the ponding.)
This leads me to 3 conclusions:
-guys are overly enthusiastic about ponding girls.
-sometimes we girls need to PLAN carefully before attacking the guys.
-hall people don't sleep.
@1:49 AM
"... if anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."
Mark 9:35
God, teach me and help me along..
Saturday, October 14, 2006 @4:58 PM
I dreamt that we should go to Novena Church to pray for Andrew, then he'll get a girlfriend. You go lah.
-My Taoist grandmother in a conversation with my mum.
The speed at which girls walk: it's murderous.
-Dean on walking with girls.
It's interesting that some girls are really really fit but yet when they walk, they make a snail look fast.
-Tris, on walking with girls as well.
Thursday, October 12, 2006 @8:55 AM
It all happened when the girls got sick and tired of being ponded by the guys and we decided it's time to fight back. For those unsure with the term "ponded", it's a word that is synonymous with getting dunked with pails of soapy water (perhaps shampoo, perhaps soap, perhaps washing powder, perhaps wash floor detergent.. depends on what they have on hand..)
SO. 5 girls woke up early when it wasn't even bright and went around armed with rolls and rolls of comms cord tying up all the doors of the guys. And they didn't have enough time to tie the doors poperly. -.-''' Worse part is that that very night there was mid-autumn festival block celebrations. And not to mention block day supper the very next night. So, getting ponded by the guys was inevitable. (aiyoh, why never think of that before tying right.. SIGH.)
And the obvious happened.
3 girls got ponded (see you get to use the word so quickly after learning it) that very night at the celebrations, out of which 2 girls, Caroline and Gilyn, were part of the 5 girls that went around. The other poor girl who got victimised (ME.) got ponded. GRRR. Even though she didn't tie the doors. See what happens when you're an early birdie and wake up for breakfast and run into the guys?
And we thought they had their revenge.
Apparently not, because they came along this morning (without sleeping after playing uno till 3.45am and downing 3 shots of 45% alcohol content of whiskey for QingJun.. how nice.) and stole ALL our slippers and some of our shoes. Out of 13 pairs of footwear that I had in my cupboard, they took 10. I was left with my dress shoes, my sports shoes and my self-drawn northstars. And guess where the shoes went? The following clip might give you a hint..
So this is Hall life for you. SHEARES BLOCK D HALL LIFE.
If you thought things can't get any more interesting, you're wrong.. We will have our fun again.. soon la. Need to re-charge first.
Thursday, October 05, 2006 @6:15 PM
This is one of the few instances where I actually feel inspired to write. The test that I'm taking in an hour's time is kinda goner so I'm not gonna bother cramming for it. I don't even know where to begin..
Anyway. I just came back from dinner and turned on my macbook. Looked out of my window for the upteenth time today and something caught my eye. Something that has been there all the while I've been staying in Sheares but I never took notice of it. Always thought that I got bored of the view outside my window. But a closer look today proved otherwise.

There stood a tall pine tree, among the common raintrees. Its colour blended in perfectly with the rest of the trees, was planted in the backyard of one of the private properties (next to Crystal Tabernacle Church). But it stood out, shooting beyond the heights of all the other trees.
Somehow, I can relate to that tree.
I try so hard to blend in to the crowd, not to stick out like a sore thumb. But there will always be differences that I cannot hide. Sometimes I feel that I just don't belong. Sometimes inferior because I'm the only one like that. But I thank God even for those differences, because that's what makes me special, what makes me unique. It'd be weird and boring if everyone were a raintree and there were no pine trees around aye?
Spicing up our lives (:
Wednesday, October 04, 2006 @1:42 PM
Okay. So now I've managed to get up on my own (I wake up after my alarm has gone off.. for half an hour). I'm cleaning my roon diligently (maybe not diligent enough but it's a huge quantum leap from my cleaning habits of old). But I've still got undone tutorials and unprinted notes and I'm starting to feel the consequences now, feeling so lost in the mid-terms. DISCIPLINE.
And the list never ends.
Isn't it funny how a blog is supposed to be something like a journal where you post your thoughts, yet you feel so restrained because we need to be politically correct? Be careful when you write in blogs, you never know when you'll be made famous in the news, either like sarong party girl or by being sued by the governement on dubious grounds till you're totally broke.
I want to be funny.
nus science
sheares blk d
psalm 139:14
.links [click
.lyrics [click
19: Schlossgarten biergarten, VFB!! Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof Partie
20: Fahrrad fahren (20km!), Biergarten
21: IZ registration, welcome party mit Hostfamilie
22: Unterricht beginnen, Einkaufen gehen
23: Unterricht
24: Unterricht
25: Unterricht (schreiben eine Brief)
26: Stadtmitte Flohmarkt, Fernsehrturm
27: Schwäbisch Hall, Medieval festival
28: Time to catch up on homework and fix my new toilet!
29-31: Unterricht, Cindy and Sheni came over! (:
Juni: Unterricht, Mercedez Benz Museum
2: Schloss Lichtenstein / Climbing park, visit to hindu temple and dinner with vivek, cindy, sheni and claryce.
3: Jeffrey visits, visit to märchengarten and ludwigsburg castle and party at sweefoo's host parent's vineyard.
4: Unterricht, shopping! (bought a nice jacket.)
5: Unterricht, excursion to buchhandlung, then to the vineyard to buy wine!
6: Excursion to Daimler Chrysler Factory, then IBM. (:
7: Freibad!
8: Unterricht, eis essen in esslingen.
9: Bodensee
10: Heidelberg!
11: Unterricht, Ritter-sport factory!
12: Unterricht, Shopping
13: Unterricht, Prüfung, Shopping at Vaihingen, Concert at Berliner Platz (Liederhalle).
14: Unterricht, Farewell party
15: Visit to waterfalls with vivek, cindy and sheni
16: Ludwigsburg sports festival
17: Schwimmbad, HOME! (:
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007