Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @2:13 PM

i want the crazy exams to end. NOW.
@1:13 PM
was just looking through some of my previous blog posts, seeing the ups and downs in my life. God has really been so very gracious to me. (: even when i least deserve it, He still is. i love You, Daddy God! (:
i think i am one helluva drama queen sometimes.
and sometimes i don't understand why i do certain things. eg. why i changed all my settings for my lappy to german and now i can't understand what each menu says. =l HOW SMART OF ME. hahaha. so i can only come up with one conclusion:
thank you for reading and have a good day.
*all the best to ade for your social work paper and kaiwen for your paper this evening too! (:
@12:29 AM

Got this off someone's blog. someone whom i don't even know. hahaha. TOTALLY RANDOM.
Everyone has their firsts:
First bestfriend:
my kindergarten friend: kaiwei i think. she went to yangzheng, and that's the last i heard of her.
First school:
First cellphone:
some phone whose brand is non-existant. it was free hahaha. me and my daddy used to joke that we can crack skulls with it. and we won't feel the pinch.
First funeral:
my teacher's relative's. don't know whose. =l
First pet:
hamsters. that. bit. me.
First big trip:
australia, i got the nickname "hamster" there from my parents' friends cos i ate like one.
First fight:
i wanted a toy in the kindergarten toy cupboard and my friend wouldn't let me have it. selfish pig. haha.
First celebrity crush:
uhhh.. can't remember.
First time out of the country:
australia i think.
First job:
MOE. (:
First myspace friend:
ahhh don't have. i'm not a myspace-er. (:
And their lasts...
Last person you hugged:
i should think it was kailing. (:
Last car ride:
yesterday, my parents fetched me back to hall.
Last time you cried:
quite a while back. i don't cry easily.
Last movie you watched:
before sunset. dvd on loan from chienhuah for the longest time. haha.
Last food you ate:
yucky mucky sheares hall dinner. okay, it wasn't that yucky. but it sure was fun cos me and wonghui had a tauhuay eating competition. we slurped down our tauhuay and for the first time tauhuay actually tasted good. so much for savouring it huh. ):
Last item bought:
3 cups of bird's nest drink at 30 cents each for the girls for lunch yest. (: yummy!
Last shirt worn:
t-shirt? now i'm wearing the minicooper navy green shirt. pretty pretty!
Last phonecall:
mummy. oh man she nagged and nagged. =l
Last text message:
kaiwen. asking me to study. hahaha.
Last thing you touched:
the keyboard i'm typing on.
Last time you were at the mall:
uhhh i should think heartland yest but i was only walking through. haha.
Last time you were excited about something:
parachute banddddddd. (:
Last person you saw:
caroline tan li shan. biggest bimbo ever. (ngiam, she is way worse than you..)
Last thing you drank:
apple/peach/lemon tea at dinner.
Last person who broke your heart:
only one person broke my heart. do you know him?
Last time you were honestly happy:
when i came out of the exam hall today. ONE PAPER DOWN!! oh i can't wait for 5th dec. come on come on come on...
Monday, November 27, 2006 @4:02 PM

today's paper wasn't too horrid, but it wasn't the best nor easiest i've done either. there were parts that were pretty killer, but also parts that were do-able. it seems like all the lecturers set papers with the same motto: tough enough not to have good scores, easy enough to pass.
one down, three more to go! (:
@8:31 AM

exams start in less than 5 hours time.
i'm dying. =l
Sunday, November 26, 2006 @6:41 PM

here's me and my favourite boy. he's so cute aye! (:
when you cry, i cry with you.
@6:37 PM

my favourite boy silas coloured beautifully today. and he sang during children's worship. he really tried to be a good boy today and i'm so proud of him. (:
you're growing up so quickly, please don't forget me.
Saturday, November 25, 2006 @5:24 PM

i love my daddy. (:
@1:02 AM

lovely cousins. (:
i love nessa to bits, she never fails to put a smile on my face. (: dinner with her and family was beautiful, i wish we could just be sisters and share everything. love love! (:
Friday, November 24, 2006 @4:10 PM

Sometimes you never really treasure something until it's lost. Many who are in relationships just want to give it all up because it is so difficult at times to really love the other person. Sometimes I wonder if they have forgotten the feeling of being lonely.
A loving hug. A sqeeze of the hand to tell you that everything's gonna be alright. A kiss on the cheek to be reminded of the love they share. A gaze into the eyes that shows he really cares. Company.
And vice versa.
God made Eve so that Adam would have a helper and not be lonely. Similarly, Eve can feel loneliness too.
Thursday, November 23, 2006 @4:20 PM

I'm an oldies junkie. (: I dig albums from The Eagles, Beatles, Nat King Cole, James Taylor, Billy Joel, Josh Groban, Michelle Branch, Norah Jones and the like. (:
HUGE HINT! Albums from them for christmas would be perfect. (:
@10:44 AM

I mug day and night in the library, play foosball to de-stress.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 @11:13 AM

We had so much fun playing it yesterday. Hmmm. Let me see. I believe it was from.. 1.45am to 5am. Resulting in a snoring Rodney right beside me. Haha he's sleeping as I'm watching webcasts by Dr Bettens. (: The team were: Matthew Mah, Rodney Fong, Qingjun, Heng Jung Seong, Wei Jian, Tan Kaiwen, Lim Shaojie, Caroline Tan, Gilyn (Pooh) Cheah, and yours truly. (:
Slept at 6.45 and I woke up at 9.30, TO STUDY. I'm so hadworking. heehee. (:
Saturday, November 18, 2006 @10:07 AM
I'm so incredibly ARGHEEEDDDDD at my exams preparation. Thankfully german's non-exam-based. so i am one subject down.
Please pray for me!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 @10:22 PM
In this post, I shall try to
obfuscate you, my reader. (: [go check out the meaning of that word! my new word-of-the-day.]
Okay better not.
Went for sunset prayer today, Jasmine shared about self-esteem. I love her sharings, it really spoke to me. I found that I could relate to quite a few things she mentioned, oh dear. Maybe I do have low self-esteem after all. Some say that people are noisy cos they use that as a front to hide their lack of self-esteem. But I love the thing that she pointed out: To look towards Christ, we forget who we are and can only see who He is and His love for us.
Keeping my eyes on Him.
I pray I do not get astigmatism.
Monday, November 06, 2006 @8:01 PM
I've got so much to be thankful for. (:
my familyyou know how sometimes you feel like you're such a horrible kid but your parents love you all the same? and that my older brother still patiently cares for me and teaches me what is right and wrong, i feel so blessed. (:
my churchthis is where i grew up, where i learnt that the wolrd did not revolve around me. this is where i found my closest friends, people whom i could count on to point out my mistakes and help me along as i learn life's lessons.
my friendsi think i sometimes take my relationships with others for granted, i'm still rather a baby at this thing, people relationships. sometimes i really have no clue why people react a certain way. maybe i just think differently, and i'm learning that we cannot assume others to be like us, cos it'll be a huge mistake.
three big categories of people for today, i've got more coming not to worry (:
Sunday, November 05, 2006 @3:26 PM

do we look like we've got cavities? (:
Friday, November 03, 2006 @1:13 AM
Music and Words by Andrew Ulugia
From the album “All The Earth” by Parachute Band
Here I am O God
I bring this sacrifice
My open heart
I offer up my life
I look to You Lord
Your love that never ends
Restores me again
So I lift my eyes to You Lord
In Your strength
I will break through Lord
Touch me now
Let Your love fall down on me
I know you love dispels all my fears
Through the storm I will hold on Lord
And by faith I will walk on Lord
Then I'll see beyond my Calvary one day
And I will be complete in You
Went to the Parachute Band concert at the Theatre Hall in Esplanade. Was reminisent of the times I spent there practicing for the SYF opening back in 2003. Back then, the Esplanade backstages and corridors were like my playground, for nearly a month. Anyway, today was wonderful because I was reminded and humbled yet again by God's grace, forgiveness and mercy. Somehow I can never be worthy of it, but yet he still gives it freely. What a gift! (: It was simply splendid just being there and soaking in his love and being in His presence.
Thank you Mark and Anne (: