Saturday, December 30, 2006 @11:08 AM
RAHHH! i have a frickin' annoying neighbour whom i cannot wait to say good riddance to. but first, we have to pay 335K to get rid of him. how expensive is that!
YAY! today is daddy's 55th birthday!
YAY! i think my granny's going to be my new neighbour!
YAY! i don't have to see that annoying person [refresh your memory: my annoying stuck-up neighour] ever again i hope.
YAY! gabriel is back from US! (:
YAY! i'm moving back to hall soon!
YAY! i love touch rug trainings!
RAHHH! i feel like i've been playing catching for three and a half hours with guys yesterday during mixed trainings that i'm just so exhausted.
YAY! my room is neater. (:
Friday, December 29, 2006 @10:46 PM
and i finally got into blogger. after a long week.
had training today, my legs are oh-so-tired, and i'm totally burnt, got the full package: rosy cheeks, t-shirt and shorts tanline. but it was fun playing against the guys, think we improved a lot so well done girls!
sandy told us about something just now and i thought it was quite funny: this girl wrote on her blog..
my boyfriend is having an affair; her name is world of warcraft.
muahahaha. am i thankful that God's my only partner? (:
am just talking to joseph about our movie outing next tues night, and i dropped a huge hint, okay rather in his face, that i could go if he drove me home. haha! and being the genteel person he is, he said: no prob!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 @3:12 AM
half my hols is GONE. ):
my exam results will be released at 11am on 27 Dec. darn scared. SHOOTs. ):
@2:54 AM
funny thing that happened today:
we had a real sumptous meal at lao beijing today. we asked the waitress to pack the remainder of our lunch on the table, we simply ordered too much. sat there and chatted for a while, paid for the bill and got up to leave when the waitress came running out saying.. "wait! we haven't served your desert yet!"
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 @12:11 PM

Yet another photo brought to you from the AnnTIC album! and this time, presenting...
THE HALL CFers! (:
we're a super happening bunch of people thank you very much. heehee.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 @12:15 AM
got my dress: $99/- i am kind to the ns boy. hahaha.
got a pair of mango corduroy jeans and a racerback top for $64/-! what a steal! (:
[my dad insists that it's a robbery.. as in i'm robbing him. =l]
looking forward to citysquare tomorrow! (:
Sunday, December 17, 2006 @8:25 PM
back from AnnTIC, refreshed. it was just what i needed, to be reminded of the Word of God. and i just realised it is timely too, just when i've been parched, so far from the Living Water.
Thank You Lord for being ever so gracious. (:
Managed to talk to Kwok on one of the nights at AnnTIC, it was a nice long chat, think it might have been an hour despite our physically drained bodies. IBS in the morning, workshops in the afternoon and theme talks at night is really no joke. super taxing on the mind and body. it was about time that i caught up with him and it was good. (: but in the cab back home after camp i think i was a little harsh with him, and i kinda regret telling him so much because after he left the cab i remembered chienhuah saying that he's quite sensitive. oopsies. =l
looking forward to a shopping trip to citysquare in JB with the AnnTIC people on tues. (:
my december hols:
06-08: play with hall people
09-10: can't remember
11-16: AnnTIC Camp; Ocean View Resort, Port Dickson, Malaysia
17: Church, rehearsal for christmas eve play18: Touch rug training, choir practice, hopefully lunch with chienhuah (tentative)
20: Touch rug training, choir, Comms Ball [i haven't gotten a dress yet!!!]
21: a free day at last! i think.
22: caroling. dinner at uncle stephen's [not sure if i can make it..]
23: caroling
24: caroling, 9.30am service, christmas eve service/play
25: christmas day service!
30: Eugene and Olivia's wedding at yishun christian church, daddy's birthday.
what a holiday.
@7:22 PM
I was just going blog-hopping to relieve stress that my mummy is imposing on me: she's not feeling well so she's taking out her discomfort on everyone. i've gotten used to it so i just keep to myself and do my own thing. it helps me control my temper. (:
so anyway i was going around and my cousin did a survey and i thought it'd be interesting to see what my results would be like for this mini colour quiz. so here it is, and it's quite accurate. 80% maybe?
You are striving to make favourable impressions all of the time and you are going out of your way to make the impression that you are something special. You are constantly on the watch to see how your friends and neighbours are reacting to your various ploys. But this is so unnecessary because most of the time you are in control of the situation - and you are, in the nicest sense of the word, a 'manipulator' because you use various strategies very cleverly in order to influence and obtain the necessary recognition.
You are willing to try anything once. You 'need to be needed' and what is perhaps more important you 'need to need.' You can only feel close to a person or persons when you feel you can trust them, but this trust needs to be proven to you.
You are confined and trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way out. Whatever you seem to do to resolve the problem hasn't worked out. Fortunately you are able to gain some aspect of relief from someone close to you.
You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.
You are trying to build up your own position and you resist all external influences. You insist that you are your own person and you will not tolerate any outside interference. Decisive and proud, you are true managerial material.for those interested to try it out, here it is..
colour quiz
Saturday, December 16, 2006 @11:54 PM

the silly girls that i stayed with in the same apartment. (:
Monday, December 04, 2006 @11:53 PM
hello readers!
i am supposed to study now but i'm really too lazy to mug now. i shall wake up early tomorrow morning to study (: mmm. 15 hours to freedom! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
"we're all in this together.."
Sunday, December 03, 2006 @3:10 PM

"All the world's a stage.."
And we an audience of one - God.
@12:04 AM
my friend's nick says:
Saturday, December 02, 2006 @12:52 PM

i really loved the music that the old line-up made. the solid drumbeats from julian sylvester, great instrumentals from wayne huirua, soulful singing from julia grace and the annointed voice of libby huirua.
2007 brings a new line-up, not totally new cos the bassist is staying back, and the worship leader has sung with the old band before. but their music will be different.
boy am i glad that i went for the parachute band tour concert. (:
to read more about them, click
nus science
sheares blk d
psalm 139:14
.links [click
.lyrics [click
19: Schlossgarten biergarten, VFB!! Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof Partie
20: Fahrrad fahren (20km!), Biergarten
21: IZ registration, welcome party mit Hostfamilie
22: Unterricht beginnen, Einkaufen gehen
23: Unterricht
24: Unterricht
25: Unterricht (schreiben eine Brief)
26: Stadtmitte Flohmarkt, Fernsehrturm
27: Schwäbisch Hall, Medieval festival
28: Time to catch up on homework and fix my new toilet!
29-31: Unterricht, Cindy and Sheni came over! (:
Juni: Unterricht, Mercedez Benz Museum
2: Schloss Lichtenstein / Climbing park, visit to hindu temple and dinner with vivek, cindy, sheni and claryce.
3: Jeffrey visits, visit to märchengarten and ludwigsburg castle and party at sweefoo's host parent's vineyard.
4: Unterricht, shopping! (bought a nice jacket.)
5: Unterricht, excursion to buchhandlung, then to the vineyard to buy wine!
6: Excursion to Daimler Chrysler Factory, then IBM. (:
7: Freibad!
8: Unterricht, eis essen in esslingen.
9: Bodensee
10: Heidelberg!
11: Unterricht, Ritter-sport factory!
12: Unterricht, Shopping
13: Unterricht, Prüfung, Shopping at Vaihingen, Concert at Berliner Platz (Liederhalle).
14: Unterricht, Farewell party
15: Visit to waterfalls with vivek, cindy and sheni
16: Ludwigsburg sports festival
17: Schwimmbad, HOME! (:
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007