Thursday, May 31, 2007 @4:30 PM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007 @4:20 AM
Sometimes you can get a teeny weeny bit insensitive and i get hurt and cry.
Sometimes you get into the lawyer mode and i hole up and hide.
Other times you smile and i feel so warm inside.
Other times you say just one phrase and i smile all the time.
Other times you do just one little act of love, it's enough to make my day.
Even if i don't see you for a week, thinking of those other times is more than enough to keep that smile fixed. (:
I love you from halfway across the world. (:
Saturday, May 26, 2007 @2:50 PM
HELLO!! it's time for an update!
it's been one week here, lotsa lessons in german and i believe i am more conversationally able, much more than i was when i first came. they were not kidding when they said your conversational skills will improve. i mean.. there's nothing like immersing yourself in a place that speaks the language. and the thing about south germans / the schwabish people is that they tend to speak like a bullet train and they talk so fast they sound like they just said a damn long word. but it's really fun, cos i'm really starting to talk more in german. heehee. and i feel damn pro when i go shopping, cos i can converse with the germans just a wee bit better than my friends. hahaha... helps that kathrin and marko are great teachers of german themselves. btw kathrin and marko are my host parents, they're the young couple that i'm staying with.

AND THIS IS THEM!! [to the church-ers: doesn't marko look a wee bit like dennis? (:]
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 @4:38 PM
am having super loads of fun here in stuttgart, and hope i'm missed back home!
Monday, May 07, 2007 @11:49 PM

okay i've done my bridesmaid's dress! it's gonna be champagne coloured in the above design, hope the tailor, roy, gets it nicely. (: went to queensway with ivy, ger and pam and we had loads of fun over lunch discussing adrienne's hen party and what we're going to do as her jie-meis on the actual day. (: not going to reveal anything here in case anybody who's not supposed to know gets wind of it HERE. heehee.
schedule's pretty packed for the week, tomorrow's waffle club outing with yeemun and block d people, then science retreat at night. wed is tuition with the compassvale kids in church, thurs is bsf. but i guess i'll try to meet with joe on wed, and maybe dinner on thurs before bsf. packed packed packed. thurs i want to go to suntec to hunt for my nalgene bottle. went down with joe today but it's OUT OF STOCK!! ): hrmpf. nevermind, i am determined to get it. heehee.
bought a pair of bum jeans and a top for under 40 bucks, quite happy and proud of myself. teeheehee. shopping is therapeutic. poor joe was so tired but he still went shopping with me. *gushes*
good day today. am happy. heehee. (:
Sunday, May 06, 2007 @1:31 AM
no more excuses since i'm done with papers some.. 5 days ago. hahaha. okay what have i been up to?
1. watched Phantom of the opera with Joseph, his parents, his sister and sister's boyfriend. (family event, so they call it.)i think i was more impressed with the sets than with the main cast. the lighting, the sets, the sound. able to better appreciate it after being in a production. the amount of work put in was tremendous, and just imagining the sheer elaborate-ness (oh no my english is gone.) is.. WHOA (for lack of a better word.) the sets. IMPRESSIVE is all i can say. and it's exciting having a live orchestra. haha by first. sheesh i think i sound like a country bumpkin.
2. received letter from MICHAEL DUNSTAN FENG.was so so so so happy to receive a letter from him! don't be mistaken, he's just a good friend. sadly, a better one than mark. but oh wells, one cannot be too greedy. so back to the point, he wrote me a letter from australia, perth, and it's in such a michael-style that i couldn't help but smile the whole time i was reading it. being the traditionalist that he is, and the obsession with the "old rite", everything had to be authentic, down to the writing, and the paper. pity i didn't receive my letter via a horseback rider or a dove but via airmail. but then we shouldn't be too greedy aye? (:
3. read jeffrey archer's FALSE IMPRESSIONS.this guy is brilliant i tell you. he's a man for details and often on reflection, you'd find that he actually left clues all over the place to the final story. looks like i'm not cut out to be a detective. heehee. but it's a darn good read, many twists and turns, unexpected, yet expected. i can't explain it to you, except to say, READ IT FOR YOURSELF.
4. shopping with joseph.wednesday was the first time we went to orchard to shop (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! after nearly 4 months together. hahah) it was fun, though i found out that he was the greater shopper between the two of us (not too good news for me). but i really enjoyed myself.
5. shopping with joseph's mum and sister too.thursday we went pants shopping for joseph's work clothes. got his pants from john little's and we ended up at marina square cos his sister wanted to get a dress. we went and his mum ended up getting me a dress too (a formal dress/gown for the phantom).
felt quite paiseh cos the entire day on friday was paid for by his family. and i mean ENTIRE. from my dress that i wore to the production, to the dinner at ichiban esplanade before the dinner, to ice cream at häagen dazs, to drinks at Harry's bar, to my transport home (his mum drove me back). gosh his mum picked me up from King albert park to his place and later on, his maid even ironed out my dress for me! =l
oh wells. this is how being spoilt feels like -> GREAT! =D
okay off to bed now. need to meet joe at 9.45 at clementi tomorrow for him to pick me up to go to church. good night world! i'll be blisfully asleep... soon.
oh yes one more thing. i'm flying off 17th may (next thursday) via emirates EK344 to germany. just so you know. BIG HINT. teeheehee.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 @1:10 AM

SO PRETTY!!!! anyway, we're supposed to make a champagne coloured dress and the above dresses are SO PRETTY! hahah it's just a few suggestions from the bride-to-be. i can't wait for the wedding! (:
nus science
sheares blk d
psalm 139:14
.links [click
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19: Schlossgarten biergarten, VFB!! Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof Partie
20: Fahrrad fahren (20km!), Biergarten
21: IZ registration, welcome party mit Hostfamilie
22: Unterricht beginnen, Einkaufen gehen
23: Unterricht
24: Unterricht
25: Unterricht (schreiben eine Brief)
26: Stadtmitte Flohmarkt, Fernsehrturm
27: Schwäbisch Hall, Medieval festival
28: Time to catch up on homework and fix my new toilet!
29-31: Unterricht, Cindy and Sheni came over! (:
Juni: Unterricht, Mercedez Benz Museum
2: Schloss Lichtenstein / Climbing park, visit to hindu temple and dinner with vivek, cindy, sheni and claryce.
3: Jeffrey visits, visit to märchengarten and ludwigsburg castle and party at sweefoo's host parent's vineyard.
4: Unterricht, shopping! (bought a nice jacket.)
5: Unterricht, excursion to buchhandlung, then to the vineyard to buy wine!
6: Excursion to Daimler Chrysler Factory, then IBM. (:
7: Freibad!
8: Unterricht, eis essen in esslingen.
9: Bodensee
10: Heidelberg!
11: Unterricht, Ritter-sport factory!
12: Unterricht, Shopping
13: Unterricht, Prüfung, Shopping at Vaihingen, Concert at Berliner Platz (Liederhalle).
14: Unterricht, Farewell party
15: Visit to waterfalls with vivek, cindy and sheni
16: Ludwigsburg sports festival
17: Schwimmbad, HOME! (:
July 2006
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January 2007
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August 2007